So I am getting well into Novel Number 2. I think it is heading somewhere. It is set on a trek in the Himalayas. I'm doing lots of reminiscing of my trip last year, looking through diaries, guidebooks and photo albums for inspiration.
And I also am going back through some notes from when I went to see tarot card readers, as I have a few scenes related to that in my next book. It is actually pretty scary when I look back on how much has come true. I did in fact find the man with the distinctive eye, go on a trip that was longer than a holiday, and there was a big black cloud at work which i did avoid. Now the sceptics among you will laugh, but they did say other stuff which is a bit to personal to blog and that came true too! Now my boyfriend is a massive non believer and hates me getting my cards read, except he allows my mum too as she is only a learner so doesn't technically count. But maybe I could call it research for the book?! Ooh I like the sound of that. Too bad I'm not a self employed writer or I could probably claim it on expenses too! Right well clearly writing the blog is not getting me any further with Jenna and her trekking. Poor girl, stranded at 3,500 metres whilst I ponder my past/future. x
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Well it has been a pretty busy start of the week. I got my first rejections from agents. Part of me, like any aspiring author, secretly wanted every agent I sent it to, to love my book. But when I saw the returned envelope in my mailbox I was really excited! Does that sound demented? Surely no one wants to be rejected. But I actually feel like a proper writer now. One that can moan about how hard it is to get published, and one that is actually getting her work out there. I feel like I’ve actually started the process.
The funny thing was when I started writing the novel I did it to fill a few evenings when my boyfriend was away during the week. And then I actually finished it, so this whole trying to be an author is very new. I have to admit it has also made my day job easier. I’m a museum curator, and I’ve noticed that when I’m writing exhibition texts or articles for work I’m much more concise with words and I’m being far more critical of what I write. Oh and I have I mentioned before I’m a really annoyingly optimistic person. Watch out for my blog posts when I’ve been rejected 100 more times! Anyway I after receiving two rejections I started looking at my cover letter and synopsis and rewrote them. I’ve sent it out to another agency yesterday keep your fingers crossed! X I got totally out of my writing discipline and have got back into procrastonating. Bugger. Must write more of my new book. Poor old Jenna, she is never going to get her man at this rate!
In fact they are supposed to be climbing mountains and they are still very much at sea level. I will write more tomorrow, well at least there will be no Brit awards distractions (was Cheryl miming?), and I've watched this weeks America's Next Top Model. So by hook or by crook i will have 10,000 words in that book by the weekend (i'm almost at 7,000). x Thailand Fling is the first of three novels, so now that I’ve finished that one I thought I’d strike while the iron was hot and write the second one.
This one is set in Nepal, where Jenna and another one of the characters (well I don’t want to spoil the ending to Thailand Fling) go trekking in the Himalayas. There are also some new characters involved, Becky and Carl. I am thinking that the road to true love is not going to be smooth, in fact it is going to be down right bumpy and that is before the altitude hits the trekkers. I’m about 3,000 words in so far, which is good means I only have another 73,000 to go. I just have to get my bum off and stop watching trash tv. I’m currently watching Melrose Place. Yep no accounting for taste. The really sad thing is, is that I tuned into fiver to watch The City, only to find out the series has ended. Yes I do know I have awful taste in television. Right best go, Jenna is just about to head to bed with a rather dishy man. Best get typing... x Well having got back from my holiday, and with reviews from those that have read my novel, I decided it was time to attempt to get me an agent. So this morning I sent off my very first submission to an agent. As i breezed into work this morning I was so excited with my secret knowledge!
I know this is the start of a really long road. I am bracing myself for rejections, negative critiques and criticisms . But I really do believe in my work, and I believe one day it will be published. And hopefully better from the comments and criticisms. But it is so scary though! Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you updated with my progress. Anna x |
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February 2016