Synopsis - Millie and the American Wedding...
Millie's about to reject the invitation to an American wedding from a long lost friend Kristen when she accidentally agrees to be bridesmaid at it. Which wouldn't doesn't seem too bad, what with the wedding being in New York and coming complete with bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner and all those American traditions seen in the movies.
But then you add to the equation that she's slept with the groom, and her ex boyfriend (the only love of her life to date) is going to be the best man at the wedding. And not only is he best man, but he's already married, and she's going to the wedding single. Poor Millie.
As Kristen gets ready for the best day of her life, Millie gears up for the worst week of hers.
But then you add to the equation that she's slept with the groom, and her ex boyfriend (the only love of her life to date) is going to be the best man at the wedding. And not only is he best man, but he's already married, and she's going to the wedding single. Poor Millie.
As Kristen gets ready for the best day of her life, Millie gears up for the worst week of hers.